2024 Season’s Greetings from Cardihab

I know I am not alone when I reflect on how fast 2024 flew by, yet reflecting back through the major global and local events reminds us of just how much has happened this year. From our perspective at Cardihab, here are just a few reflections of the progress we’ve made together throughout 2024, and why we are looking forward to 2025. 

Our proudest achievements continue to be our ability to deliver on our purpose – providing people with the care they need, in ways that work for them. 2024 has been a year of growth in patient uptake with many of our customers reaching record numbers of people who would otherwise miss out on cardiac rehab after their cardiac event or heart procedure. What's even more important, is that we continue to see excellent clinical outcomes, customer satisfaction scores and results as our programs scale. 

Our valued partnerships and customers from private health insurance, public hospitals, virtual healthcare services providers and private hospitals are enabling more people than ever before to have a choice in how they recover from their cardiac event. With just over 75% of Private Health Insurers now providing Cardihab programs to their members, we expect access to vital cardiac rehab and primary prevention programs to go from strength to strength in the new year.  

Together, we have now helped thousands of people across Australia, and as always, we love it when people take the time to share their experiences with us with letters of thanks and gratitude.  This particular letter exemplifies the impact we strive to achieve...

The importance of programs like this, particularly in regional & remote locations like [location withheld], cannot be underestimated. It’s hard enough to see a doctor regularly in these locations yet alone receive professional, life changing rehabilitation from my own living room. 

I hope that this program continues to support regional locations in the future & that you have the opportunity to improve other lives like you have already improved mine.” 

Another important highlight this year was the expansion of our programs to support the whole cardiac patient journey. This included helping people with Arial Fibrillation, Heart Failure and Primary prevention – for people that have had a heart health check and need cardiac disease management post diagnosis. In quarter one 2025, an exciting new partnership will begin that will offer the first of its kind program to people that have a high-risk score from any heart health screening program like Shane Warne Legacy, Heartbeat of Football, or their GP– exciting times ahead and stay tuned for updates.  

None of this would be possible without the tireless and persistent determination our  wonderful Cardihab team and Board, the continued support from our Shareholders and the inspirational ecosystem of digital health advocates, industry partners and agencies who are striving to strengthen the quality and reach of digital health solutions across Australia.  To every person who has contributed to our journey, we sincerely thank you for your energy, collaboration, and commitment to helping us advance digital healthcare and improve heart health.  

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season and a heart-healthy new year!

Best wishes,

Cardihab CEO 

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