Cardihab for Patients

Designed to fit in
with you

For people who have recently experienced a cardiac event or procedure, completing a quality Cardiac Rehabilitation program under the supervision of a clinician is an important step to help you recover and reduce the chances of another event.

Cardiac Rehabilitation programs include the following:

Guidance to get you back to health

Increasing physical activity

Adopting a healthy diet

Learning about nutrition and diet

Managing your medications

Following a medication plan


Reducing stress

Learning techniques to control stress and anxiety

Establishing Healthy Habits

Quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake

Participation in Cardiac Rehabilitation has been demonstrated to have a range of benefits including:

Lowering the chances of another hospitalisation from a heart event





Helping to manage risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol



Improving heart health education and recognition of symptoms

Improving quality of life by lowering anxiety and stress

It is important to enrol in a quality cardiac rehabilitation program as soon as possible after you have had a cardiac event or procedure.

Barriers to participation in clinic-based programs

Despite the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation, many do not attend due to common barriers which include:

  • Distance to a rehabilitation clinic - particularly for those in rural and remote areas with limited clinic availability
  • Transport restrictions - many patients cannot drive due to their condition
  • Time restrictions and scheduling issues for those with work/family commitments
  • Uncomfortable with doing a program in a group setting
  • Waitlists


Cardihab helps to overcome these barriers by delivering a virtual Cardiac Rehabilitation program that is available at the time and place that suits you.

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Cardihab SmartCR Mobile App

Cardihab delivers a Digital Cardiac Rehabilitation program using an app that is downloaded onto a smartphone or tablet and is accessible anywhere, anytime.

Our digital programs are:

  • supervised by a clinician
  • clinically validated
  • individualised to suit each patient
  • have been shown to be as (or more) effective than traditional cardiac rehabilitation.

Cardihab helps to overcome barriers to participation by:

  • reducing the need for facility visits and associated issues of transport, distance, parking
  • ongoing availability alleviates the need to schedule around a set program.


Flexible care that works

The app allows you the freedom to access your program as you need, while your clinical team can access the health measures and information you add to the app program to keep up to date with your condition.

The app functions allow you to:

  • record data such as health measures, exercise sessions and symptoms
  • receive medication reminders and track what you've taken
  • access education materials
  • receive care plan reminders and motivational notifications
  • participate in regular one-to-one telehealth consults with your clinician.
Lady on phone

A Cardiac Rehabilitation solution designed to fit in with you 

Dr John Rivers introduces Cardihab


If you're interested in participating in our program please speak to one of our providers to discuss your needs.


Continuous support on the road to recovery

Phone graphic - Provider webpage (800 × 800 px) (9)